Monday, August 11, 2014

Aren't All Women Suppose to be Domesticated

Lately I've been thinking more and more about how other women do it. Its seems so easy to some women to take care of their home and family. Its like they were born with this innate ability or talent of being the perfect house wife. Their houses are always clean and the meals are always cooked. Some even have a job on top of this. Where do they get the energy?This seriously puts me to shame. I really envy them, there like supermoms. I know my moms one of these super mom. She keeps everything clean and everyone fed. I wonder if most women are like this and if I'm the odd one out.

I'm a low energy person and I really like my sleep. Im often tired even before I got pregnant which makes it hard to do much of anything. I also dread cleaning since I do it a lot at work but that doesn't mean I don't get around to it. I cook supper usually 3 days a week and I clean the laundry, bathroom and floors at least once a week. I even get all the garbage together most weeks for my hubby to take out in the morning. But sometimes people around me and society make me feel like I'm still not doing enough.

I really have a hard time getting the dishes done. Its definitely the worst. I've asked my hubby if that could be a chore he was responsible for and do it once a week on weekends since I do other stuff but I'm made to feel like that's asking too much of him since he works hard labor all week. But am I really asking too much. If he did I would definitely cook more. I don't know, supposedly compared to the wife's of the guys my hubby works with, I could be doing more and not expecting help. I just don't see that as fair but it still makes me doubt myself. 

What do you guys think, should I do more? Please let me know in the comments below.

Sincerely Charmed


  1. Please tellme my comment just went through! It was a long comment!

  2. Hey Chelsea you seem so down girl! BIG HUGS! Please don't compare yourself to anyone, you are not them and you shouldn't have to do what they do! Where you low energy prior to the methadone? I found it makes me fatigued! I couldn't imagine being pregnant on top of that, luckily I had my daughter before I was on methadone, cause I would feel as you do! I have always been low energy too and I started to look into why, i will be writting a post on it soon, for you to check out! Please don't ever compare yourself to these women that appear to be super moms, there is no such thing anyway, most probably wish they could slow down a bit and enjoy life, some of them suffer from perfectionism and it is draining! You are not the women of the guys your hubby works with, so please do not compare yourself to them! I have found that if you lack in one thing you make up for it in other areas! So sure they may have clean dishes but you are probably more loving, caring and awesome! any guy would take that over clean dishes!!LOL! Do not think you have to live up to what your mother does either, you are not her! As long as you clean and he isn't starving then you are doing great! besides u work too and you are pregnant and you are recovering! So please don't get down over what other women appear to do, again there is no such thing as a supermom! You are going to be a great mother and do just fine okay! Take it easy on yourself! Sorry if I went on and on, i just hate the standards set out for us women, they are ridiculous to achieve and we shouldn't have to kill ourselves just to have a perfect home.If ever you need to talk chelsea we are here for you okay girl! Just go easy on yourself! xo

  3. I had to remember what i first typed and then retype! damn commenting on my computer ERRR! anyway another version has been published above! take care girl!!

  4. I'm not exvatly down I've been in a pretty good mood lately but I tend to blog about things that bother me so I see why it would seem that way. Once I start cleaning I get it done pretty easily and I try to remind myself of that. My hubby also says he doesn't care he wouldn't trade me for anything. He just brings up he coworkers wives when I ask for help lol. It's all good though I understand he works and he contributes to the relationship inany other ways. But for sure getting cleaning service once a week when I start getting to busy. ;) thanks for your input definitely makes me feel better that I'm not the only one who thinks the pressure society puts on women to be perfect is absolutely ludicrous. :) let me know whenyou write that article I really want to read it. I also looked into joining yoga classes this week so hopefully this will give me more energy. It focuses more on meditation but clearing my mind might motivate me to get going :) so excited to start. Oh and also I was a low energy person before meth but nothing even close to what I am now. I use to like to sleep in a little but had energy during the day. Take care ttys


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