I've always had low energy and quitting drugs seem to make it worst, not to mention how being on methadone has also messed with my energy levels. If I don't have at least 10 hours of sleep I cant function properly and this is something I've learned to live with and have worked my schedule around. As you can imagine that's not always possible with a little baby to take care of and I often find myself drained, nodding off and feeling guilty that I'm not getting enough school work done or how messy the house is getting.
I'm lucky for the help that I am getting but I still feel like I'm coming up short with my ever growing to do list. I'm getting worried I won't finish my thesis in time and my teacher seems to think the same. I don't like thinking about it because I usually feel like I'm having a panic attack. I only have one class and my thesis left to graduate after being there 5 years so its extremely important to me to finish and graduate. I've worked so hard for it and I'm really trying to make this work. I'm suppose to be getting more help with the baby in the next few weeks so hopefully I can get on top of things. Its just that when I'm not sleeping I'd rather be spending time with little one. :) Baby cuddles are the best
Oh if I was only closer, I would watch him in a heartbeat for you! Be gentle with yourself and take whatever help is presented! Bless your heart for working so hard.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Im sure you would, your such a great person. Ive been getting more help with the baby as the Dad has gone on parental leave. Now I just need to catch up on all my school stuff. I feel like im drowning and way behind, but ill get there I always do :)
Deletei know exactly how you feel i am a recovering addict my self i used for 15 years and now i have a 10 month old daughter with 19 months clean , every day can be a strugle but in the end it is so worth it
ReplyDeleteThat's amazing, your doing great! I don't know how I would of fared if I hadn't had at least a few years clean when I got pregnant. I spent the first few years of my recovery really working on myself and I might of not gotten the chance to do that if I would of gotten pregnant right away, But there's nothing more motivating and worth it than a baby to help us addicts quit. Hope to hear from you again. Take Care and Good luck with the baby. Reall Dont forget to take care of yourself lol :)