Plus, who the heck is going to go exercise in cold or slushy weather. Not me that's for sure. Well except for that one time last month where I thought it be a great idea to bring the baby out for a walk in his stroller. The excitement of our first warm day here in Ontario Canada got the best of me and I didn't forsee the half melted ice as the insane obstacle it would be to a person trying to push a stroller. I got to the store and took a cab of shame back to my place. After that little adventure there was no way I was trying that again until the ice and snow had melted.
I'm really considering going to gym again to get some exercise, now that my neighbor asked me to go with her. The monthly passes are only 20$ and I was told that the gym has a sauna, a Jacuzzi, massage tables and tanning beds. The best part is that she can bring a person with her for free every time she goes so I don't have to spend any money unless I want to go without her. Having someone to go with make all the difference. I just have to get over my initial shyness which shouldn't be too difficult with another recovering addict, we probably have a lot in common.

As for these lovely stretch marks, who decided to make the presence known only after my pregnancy when I finally thought I was safe from their vicious clutches, I got some bio oil. I started accepting the fact that even though the redness might fade they will always be there, which I guess isn't so bad, right. They can serve as a reminder that I was lucky enough to be able to carry my baby to term. A mama tiger who has earned her stripes as they say.
The weight thing though is really bothering me and that is a problem I can do something about. Just before getting pregnant I bought two pairs of really expensive jeans (which I never do by the way, I rarely by myself any clothes) and I won't be satisfied until I can wear them comfortably again. I can zip them up now but they're just uncomfortably tight. My normal weight is still a little curvy which I'm totally OK with. I just want to be healthy and have more stamina and strength. And of course fit into my favorite jeans.

Thanks for reading
Chelsie Charmed
Chelsie Charmed
Hey, it's alright. I’m sure you’ll be able to build yourself up from this state. You shouldn't let yourself be stressed by the hair loss either, because there are ways to treat such conditions, if you’re not satisfied with waiting for it to grow longer by itself.
ReplyDeleteChantel Fett @ Knight And Sanders
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I just saw this comment which is odd because Im always checking for comments. I enjoy them so much. I'm sure Ill be back to my old self by the end of the summer. My hair is really long, pass the middle of my back so Im sure the heaviness of it isnt helping. Ill probably get a hair cut soon to take some of that weight off. Thanks again, really hope to hear from you soon.