Author: Alyssa Craig
When it comes to addiction, there is of course a large focus on the
addict and helping them to overcome this painful and difficult trial. But you
are not the addict. You are their spouse, their partner, their sibling, their
parent, or their friend. This addiction has weighed on you heavily since the
beginning and has only continued to cause you stress and heartache. Whether or
not your loved one is ready to take on the next step of recovery, you can start
receiving the help and support you need to persevere. Here are some ways you
can attend to your own needs during this turbulent time.
Support Groups
Just as there are support groups available for those battling
addiction, many of these same organizations offer support groups for friends
and family of the addict as well. These groups provide a great place to receive
additional information about addiction, receive support from those in similar
situations, and facilitate open communication. You can meet and befriend others
who are facing similar challenges. The focus of these groups is on how the
addiction affects you, not your loved one. For once, it will be about you.
Online Help Forums
Online forums are a great place to reach out if there is not a support
group available in your area, or if your schedule does not allow for you to
attend meetings. You can get your questions answered, connect with others who
truly understand your feelings, and receive support for whatever stage of
addiction you are currently facing with your loved one.
Read Recovery Literature
There are many books available that can help you to not only gain
deeper understanding of addiction as a whole, provide education regarding the
specific addiction your loved one is going through, and find advice on how you
can really help the addict. Pick up one that fits your situation and use the
new knowledge to start tackling this trial.
Professional Counseling

There is a lot of emotional and mental healing that can come from
attending counseling and receiving professional help when a loved one is addicted.
There are individual and family counseling options available, depending on what
will work best for your family. Look for a counselor who deals specifically
with addiction recovery to gain an even better perspective and support. These
professionals can help you understand what you are going through and provide
experienced advice.
Religious or Spiritual Leaders
If you are a religious or spiritual person, you may find peace and
comfort in confiding in a religious or spiritual leader as you face this situation.
Many find this to be a great source of strength. It can also feel more
comfortable going to someone who you know and already greatly respect, before
going to a counselor.
Rely on Your Knowledge
As you seek support through any of the above avenues, you will build
your knowledge base of addiction, what to expect as it continues. or what the
individual is experiencing as recovery begins. This knowledge can give you
something to rely on as you develop understanding and empathy. As mentioned in
this article, it will also help you to be able to continue to see the good in
them. It may not take the pain away, but it might make it just a little more
Get Physical
Go for a run, take up boxing, go for a walk, or even do a little yoga.
When things become overwhelming and you need a quick release, exercise is a
great option. It will give you a healthy outlet for your emotions, as well as
release endorphins, which will help you feel better for a time.
Take Care of Yourself
Above all, it is important that you do not forget to take care of
yourself. This time is greatly focused on the one who is addicted and loved
ones can lose sight of their own needs. Make time for the hobbies you have
always enjoyed, eat well, exercise, get plenty of sleep, and make time for
relaxation. As you do so, you will be able to move on with your life as you put
the focus back on yourself. Not only will it help you, but it will help make
you a better support to your loved one.
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