Wow! What a heavy subject for me to talk about. I've been trying to avoid this topic for many reasons, but I think it's finally time I acknowledge it, understand how it affected me and let it go. The summer after 9th grade I was enrolled in summer school because I had stopped going to school about half way through my second semester. But after the first day I really didn't want to go to summer school anymore.
On that first day I found out my teacher was a previous junior high teacher that I really didn't get along with. He was always singling me out in religion class because I smoked cigarettes and when I wanted to join the basketball team that he coached he didn't let me pass the try outs because I smoked. He didn't try to help in anyway but made things worst, now that's not a good teacher.
Anyways so the second day I didn't want to go at all but my Mom really wanted me too. So we fought most of the morning until she finally dropped me off at school. We fought often in the morning since we weren't really morning people although she would probably like to think so I left school on my first break to go back home because the teacher was being stupid again trying to make fun of me.

As soon as the nurse came out of the locked door to the emergency rooms, I ran in. I spotted my mom in the second room, they didn't even have the door shut so I saw her having a seizure, convulsing, eyes rolling in the back of her head, drooling, whoever that was, that definitely wasn't the mom I remembered. I was in utter shock, I was terrified, my mind kinda went blank like I was losing myself, its like my mind locked down and said nooooooo, NO you shouldn't be seeing this.
I turned around to run out but my aunt who had found her stopped me and said see what you did to your mom, this is your fault. WHAT!!?? I didn't even let her respond I ran and ran until I found a phone and called the person I was closest to at the time (the person I still wish I was close too) and asked him to come meet me. Then I only remember running and running and running. That blame stuck with me for a long time, it made me pissed at everyone, all of the time but especially at my aunt and my mom for blaming me.
How ever bad I was before I'd be even worst now, Id give them a reason to blame me. That's when I really stopped caring about what happened to me. Anything I got my hands on I'd do to get high and I was just so very angry. I fought, I yelled, I threw things around or at people. I stopped listening to anyone. I was for a lack of a better word F-ING Pissed. But also at myself for not being a better daughter.
Suicide is such a sensitive topic and something I hold close to my heart! I'm sorry that your mom tried to commit suicide, she must of tried taking a bunch of pills right? My uncle had commited suicide by shotgun, my stepdad's niece committed suicide with pills, we were fairly close and she left behind two children, she was a single mom.When I was 5 years old we lived in low rental apartments and were playing in the park when a man jumped to his death, we saw it. Also I have had many thoughts of suicide, i used to be a cutter and the thought had crossed my mind several times to just let that knife go deeper. So i understand how it would affect you seeing that and feeling like you were responsible is a terrible feeling for sure.That is a heavy burden to carry and explains why you would try to numb yourself in drugs. Thanks for sharing this post with everyone!It is hard to share but i'm glad you did!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you had to experience all that. That's a lot for anyone to experience. I think many addicts have had suicidal thoughts at one point so I know how you feel. Its a really dark place that not everyone comes back from. I'm glad we did and were here now making an effort to enjoy life. Im so glad your here now and we got a chance to know each other.
DeleteThat was a really hard time in my life. I just got so angry at the world after that. And still to this day I often feel responsible for everyone's happiness. Its a heavy burden but we all have our crosses to bare, so to speak. It took me a long time to forgive my mom for what she did and for us to be close again. Me and my brother were really close before, it was kind of like us against the world when we were kids, but after that happened I was just so angry at my mom that my brother started getting angry at me and we grew apart, not ever knowing the reason I was angry was because of them trying to blame me. Once my dad told my brother what really happened years later me and my brother finally became close again because he finally understood what I had went through.